Mini Set Building

Making some props and sets for the stop-motion students to use in practice has been on my little list of things to do for a while now and I have finally got time to share where I have got to thus far.

I started with research of typical victorian terraces and then extrapolated key things that I wanted to include in the mini set.

I also very much wanted to keep it as accurate as possible with the room sizes and placement of windows etc.

Once I had a plan of what I wanted in the room, I then went on the ikea website so I could size the furniture in keeping with the room. Ikea is great as they have all of the dimensions listed!.

Before starting to manufacture anything though you need to make sure it is going to fit your puppet, so starting with the puppets size you can give yourself a scaling measurement, to scale everything down to fit your puppets world.

See below PDF for full details.

My next step is to turn all of the foamboard elements into wooden ones so they can be used for posing with the puppets, hence why my sofa and armchairs covers are all removable!

Watch this space!

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