Pottery adventures #1 – mini wheel

I have always wanted to ‘throw on the wheel’, I watch Pottery throw down every year and my love of clay started in School with sculptures for my GCSE work!

So when I got bought a 3hr wheel throwing session as a present, I was so excited, I enthused about it at home so much my daughter and husband booked in too! I would highly recommend having a go! I attended a fab session with the lovely Pat Southwood advertised here – https://www.craftcourses.com/providers/pat-southwood

Ever since my session I have been eyeing wheels and more courses, and after Christmas found this little electric wheel on Ebay for a steal, so I pressed buy!

after reading up about these type of wheels, I didn’t expect too much from it, but it has proved to be a great little thing, yes it’s very small, sized for hobbits 😀 but I could manage and it handled my terracotta clay pretty well.

The terracotta clay was some I usually use for mold making and as I was just playing, I didn’t see any reason to get anything fancier just yet.

it is not chocolate!
not bad considering it’s been a year and a half since my taught sessions with Pat.
checking the walls – chunky!

I’m finding the clay very slippery so making a right royal mess, pretty much everywhere, but because I feel I’m just a beginner again, I’m just going with it and seeing it all as play.

I’m currently in a very small corner of an old room that is full of junk, but hoping to make a bit more space so it encourages me to try and throw stuff more often!

If you want to keep up with my throwing antics, I’ll post much more often on my Instagram

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